In lieu of an obituary, Sylvia's family is sharing one of her many writings. "Living in Two Worlds" By Sylvia Bogosh When you make the decision to manifest in a physical world you take on a physical persona, or body, if you prefer. In addition to a physical body, you also, at the same time, take on what you might call a spiritual persona. When you are living with both the physical and spiritual, there may be times when the two will blend; and then other times, they may seem to be at odds. When the body and mind are flowing in a harmonious pattern you will feel at peace, and both mind and body will benefit from this harmony. When the mind and body are in opposite patterns, neither will be able to function well. As an example, if you are under stress and you feel you cannot find a solution to a situation in your life; you may begin to experience headaches or digestive imbalances. These are just two of the ways the mind and body can react when your energy is divided. In these situations, there may appear that there is no compatibility for either mind or body. It may seem like there should be a simple solution which will correct everything. There may be times when this is true and once the disruption is recognized and corrected, all will be well. However, there may also be times when the underlying cause of the stress is not so apparent. As you honor both your body and your mind, there is one more element to this equation. That would be the Soul. 3 When you are living in a physical existence, the body and the mind appear, at least on the surface, to be easy to understand. When the Soul is accepted as a viable part of your make up, it requires, what you call, an expansion of consciousness. No longer are your mind or your body the only aspects of your existence. THE SOUL IS WHAT YOU MIGHT CALL THE OVERSEER It is from the Souls perspective where you are able to look at both mind and body simultaneously. As an example; if you are thinking of putting in a flower or vegetable garden, either one requires both thinking and manual labor. First you must decide what flowers or what vegetables you would like to plant in your garden. Then you must turn over the soil and fertilize it. These are the beginnings of your garden. The next step is to decide just what you would like to grow. When you grow vegetables, there are choices to make. You will most likely choose to grow vegetables you like and will enjoy eating. If you decide to put in a flower bed the same procedure will be followed. You can choose between annuals or perennials. Or, you may decide to put in a mixture of both. Whatever you decide, it will be your choice. At the same 4 time, you are making these decisions of what you think of as a physical activity, there are other issues you look at. The garden is a physical manifestation of what you are working with on a mental plane. In other words, the flowers and the vegetables are representative of the mind and the body and how they both blend their energies. The vegetables are the life support or the fuel the body needs to continue to exist. On the other hand, the flowers and plants represent the bounty of the beauty which surrounds you and opens your heart, your mind, and your psyche, to the energy of what you might call Mother Earth. Just as the food sustains your body, the plants and flowers sustain your psyche. The next step in the procedure of anything you decide to do is to recognize the presence of Spirit. This Spirit energy is a part of every decision you make in your life. You may overlook it, or decide to disregard some of the signatures you may be given, but they will still be there. Once you begin to recognize just how much guidance you get from Spirit in your life, you will find your outlook on life will be changed. From your finite perception of life, it may be difficult at times to make some decisions in your life. When you begin to understand spirit, or whatever name you may choose, is always with you, this guidance from another perspective 5 will give you a broader picture of issues or events in your life. With this new or different outlook, you will very often find there are other possibilities you may have overlooked. As you begin to open yourself to the guidance which is there for you at all times, you will find new and different approaches to resolving situations which may have caused difficulty in the past. No longer are you confined to only one possibility when you are confronted with a challenge. With each experience you will widen you thinking processes. In other words, you will start to think outside the box, as your saying goes. What we are sharing with you is information which we hope will help you expand, and to see events and attitudes from a different viewpoint. The thinking processes which you are accustomed to are limited to physical or mental events. This is the beginning of the journey you began taking when you entered the physical world. As you allow yourself to expand your beliefs beyond the finite, you will begin to have experiences which also include the infinite. In other terms, you will expand your understanding of another dimension: That which we call Spirit. 6 When you meditate, you may have some idea of what we are trying to share with you. In a meditative state, you release the physical approach of thinking and open yourself to the energy of Spirit. One of the first experiences you will encounter when opening yourself to Spirit is this lack of the need for your physical involvement. You may have a problem or situation in your life for which you would like to find a solution. However, many of your approaches to the resolution of the situation may turn out not be helpful. When you begin to work with Spirit, or any other name you prefer, you will find there is a difference in resolving a situation in a physical way, and turning the situation over to Spirit, and then paying attention to what thoughts you may have which will help in resolving the situation. Spirit is subtle and often works in ways you may not have even thought of. For instance, you may be looking for something and not be able to find it. Then you turn around and what you have been looking for is right in front of you. This is Spirit guiding you in another or different way. As you become more comfortable in recognizing Spirit in your life, not just in helping you find lost items, but the more you open your mind, the more you will come to understand Spirit is always with you. 7 IT IS PART OF YOUR LIFE, YOUR PSYCHE, YOUR AWAKENING As you begin to move through realms which may seem foreign to you at first, there may be a feeling of "making all of this up". In most cases, this is not correct. When you free yourself to entertain other experiences, it is necessary to be willing to let go of the physical world for a time. It is not expected that you stay in that environment, just take some time to expand your experiences. As you explore this new world, you may wish to learn just how the physical and Spiritual blend. We have addressed this experience in other messages; however, we did not explain how it works and what benefit you will get from exploring this new type of existence. One of the examples we wish to share with you is how you are capable of connecting with loved ones who have left the physical existence and moved on. It can be a challenge in the beginning to accept the information that you can actually connect with loved ones who have "passed on" as you say. Indeed, they have not "passed on"; they are with you, however, they are not in the same world you are accustomed to. While your world exists in a solid physical realm, there is a need for a physical body. When you enter the spiritual realm, the physical body is no longer needed. 8 Without the physical body you are able to cross barriers unknown to the finite world. As you are able to understand this connection of the finite and infinite worlds, it will become easier to recognize the connections of both of them when they occur. As an example, people will have "lost" in your terms, a relative or someone they loved very much. In your world, this would appear to be just what has happened. From our perspective, we see both physical and non-physical as being blended. Once you can begin to understand what we are trying to share with you, you will not mourn the "loss" of a loved one. They are not "lost". They are with you but not in the physical form you are accustomed to. Most people will acknowledge feeling they have had contact with a loved one, but they often think this is just wishful thinking or their imagination. As you grow and accept the idea of the two worlds - physical and nonphysical, you will find it is easier to accept our message to you. If you find you are thinking of a person who has made their transition, it is almost certain they are around you and trying to make contact. At this point, if you begin to pay attention to some of the small things which cross you path, you will find there are some little signatures which will remind you of the individual. This is how the 9 connections are made when you are beginning to open up to these incidents. Once you begin to accept these incidents as valid connections, you will find it becomes easier to accept what we are sharing with you at this time. Our mission is to help dissolve the pain of loss when someone you love makes their transition. This will happen when you are able to accept the reality of their being with you, but not in the same way they were in the physical world. Coming to an understanding of what we have been sharing with you in these messages will help you to bridge what you may now see as separation. Indeed, there is no separation between the two worlds. It is just a matter of perception. We would now like to address beliefs. In your world there are many beliefs which are negative and cause difficulty in your lives. If you believe in "sin and retribution", it will be difficult to accept what we are sharing with you at this time. SIN AND RETRIBUTION ARE MISGUIDED BELIEFS If you wish to expand your consciousness, one of the first things you have to examine is your belief system. You are 10 now living in a timeframe where your beliefs are what might be called different from what beliefs were in the past. In other times it was thought people must be told how to live their lives, and what to believe or just simply, it was expected you would follow a path which someone else had laid out for you. As the energy of what you may call the mass consciousness has been shifting, so are the beliefs of most people who are learning to understand how this world you live in works. In the past the beliefs you were taught were mostly rigid and left little room for expansion. You were to follow a strict set of rules; and if you strayed from them, you would be punished. The most extreme of these punishments was to go to Hell. We are pleased to share with you some information Hell is a man-made creation. It was used as a way to keep people within a belief system. If they strayed from the "church" or beliefs, they would be punished. We are pleased to share with you our world and yours as well. 11 LOVE IS THE GUIDING FORCE OF THE UNIVERSE AND YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR UNIVERSE As you come to the realization of being your own creator, you will be able to recognize the abilities you have and the opportunities you also have at your disposal. We cannot tell you what your life is or should be, all of the decisions you make in your life are based on your own beliefs. If you believe in sin and punishment, then you will make decisions according to your belief system. However, if you can open your mind to expansion your decisions will change. TO HONOR YOURSELF IS THE FIRST STEP IN EXPANSION As you continue to open yourself to new and different ideas, you continue to grow. There are many reasons why you would decide to come into a life; for the most part, it is to learn specific lessons. You may have done something in another life, and now you realize you could have done it differently. Choosing different lives in different timeframes gives you an opportunity to learn how to interact with people in different ways. These incarnations are not intended to be what you call punishment. Rather, 12 they are opportunities to develop a broader spectrum and learn different approaches to issues in your life or lives. With these experiences, you learn how to interact with people. You also have the opportunity to experience different outlooks from different perspectives. For example, in a life as a man you may see things differently than a woman would. Also, as a woman, your perceptions will be different from a man's. You also have the experience of being a child and an old person. All of these are different approaches. We could go on about affluence and poverty and many other opportunities, but we would like to think we have given you some ideas as to your growth and the blending with Spirit. For some, the "earth experience", as we call it, can be learned in just a few incarnations, others may choose to explore more options. This is not a matter of punishment or reward. Every incarnation is chosen for a purpose and for the most part that purpose is to learn. Often an individual will choose his experiences for the purpose of connecting with others whom he may be with in other lives. People with strong bonds to others are more likely to incarnate with them. 13 As you become comfortable with the information we have given you, you begin to develop an overview of how some of the things in your life are there in order to help you to expand and grow. Punishment has never been the purpose of multiple lives. If you can look at the life you are living at this time, and if you are reading this message; you are on a quest of understanding how events in your life are there for a reason and a purpose. Learning how to use these opportunities is the key to developing what is called by some as an "enlightened mind". If you find you are blaming others for things in your life that seem to be going wrong, consider this as an opportunity to examine all of the aspects of the situation and then asking yourself: "what am I to learn from this". Blaming others for your life experiences is missing the point. You chose the life, you chose the people who are in your life and you choose everything in your life, down to the color of your skin. When you accept all of this, you are on your way to being able to move on. Learning to connect with Spirit in your daily life is a huge step in your awakening. A simple example would be, if you have lost something and are looking for it and you turn around and see it right in front of you, this is a sure sign 14 that you are connected to Spirit; and the more you recognize these signs, the stronger the energy will become. Eventually your physical energy and your Spiritual energy will be blended to the extent that it is automatic to acknowledge Spirit as guiding you, not just to find things, but to realize you will always be guided to where you need to be to experience the lessons you came into this world to learn. Celebrate your creation of your mind and your body.
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